The Institute of People (IPM) is SAQA recognised Professional Body for the purpose of NQF Act 67 2008, IPM aims is to provide appropriate, relevant knowledge and information on effective leadership.
IPM Vision: The portal to thought Leadership in People.
Mission: To be the Leading and Trusted HR Professional Body of choice and Aims to achieve this through:
Being a Portal to Thought Leadership in People Management issue.
Enhance and building the reputation of the HR Profession.
Contributing to the national agenda through critical skills development program as well large scale societal impact programs.
Building capacity and capability of HR professionals and ensuring that they operate in terms of the highest professional and ethical standards. |
For the Professional Designation to be awarded, professionals must comply with the following minimum requirements: |
Underlying Registered Qualification or Part Qualification: |
Professional Membership of the Institute of People Management is critical requirement for practicing HR professionals. Professional Membership eligibility is determined by satisfying the minimum education and/or knowledge, management, leadership and functional skills and experience requirements as laid out in the IPM Membership Criteria for membership. IPM Members must adhere to the IPMs Professional Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines of the IPM Continuing Professional Development Policy.
Academic Component:
Senior Associate Member (IPMSP) Qualification: Holds a minimum of 3 year IPM (SAQA) Diploma or Undergraduate degree in the field of Human Resources. |
Experiential Learning or Experience |
At least 3 to 5 years practical experience in Human Resources.
Senior associates' responsibilities may include evaluating the risks of corporate policies.
Recruiting new Human Resources Practitioners.
Developing new policies and training employees to comply with them.
May be an academic embarking on primary research or specialising in a specific Human Resources field.
Is committed to advancing their own professional development so as to maintain, refresh and improve their knowledge, skills and the support and guidance they provide. |
Competency Assessment |
N/A |
Designation RPL Statement |
This Designation may be awarded through Recognition of Prior Learning. |
In order to ensure the currency of professional knowledge and to retain the Professional Designation, the professional must comply with the following minimum requirements: |
Code of Conduct |
Members must adhere to the Professional Body Codes of Conduct and Ethics. |
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) |
The Institute of People Management strongly supports Continuing Professional Development for all professionals. Members of the Institute are required to reflect on and review their knowledge and skills levels and requirements regularly. This allows them to uphold their professional commitment to providing informed and insightful information, advice and guidance on effective human resources management and development (HRM & D) for all stakeholders, including employers and employees.
Continuing Professional Development establishes and maintains good practice within the HR profession and helps to build forward looking approaches which ensure HRM & D remains relevant and effective into the future. In this way, Continuing Professional Development builds the Profession and adds value for organisations, in addition to opening up new career opportunities for individuals.
The Institute's Code of Conduct, which members undertake to abide by, states that members must demonstrate a steadfast commitment to enhancing individual learning and development and to establishing the processes and structures that will assist the organisation to meet its current and future business objectives. This commitment should be well-evidenced through the care taken to ensure those working for them have the appropriate level of competence, supervision and support.
The IPM holds the strong view that maintaining and enhancing professionalism and competence through CPD activities is of strategic importance.
Members must take individual responsibility for their own professional development.
They must maintain a record of CPD activities undertaken throughout the year. The Institute of People Management has provided a log for this purpose.
A range of activities should be undertaken in order to build up CPD over the year. Activities can be broken down into verifiable and non-verifiable activities.
Verifiable activities include formal face to face learning on courses and programmes, structured online learning, membership and participation in relevant professional discussion forums. For verifiable activities, evidence of attendance and or completion must be supplied such as a certificate of attendance or an assessment of work.
Non-verifiable activities include coaching, mentoring, seminars, delivering lectures, conferences, networking events, webinars, reflection notes detailing on the job learning, reflection notes on participation in new initiatives or project work, inside and outside of the organisation. Activities can also include reading articles and books.
The lists of verifiable and non-verifiable activities are not inclusive and further guidance on activities can be sought from the Institute.
Broadly 70% of activities should focus on areas of human resources, and 30% on other business relevant areas.
Members at Associate and Professional Membership level are expected to complete a CPD log evidencing a minimum of 6 days of development each year.
The Institute operates from a position of trust and accords each member with responsibility for their own professional development. We will not ask you to submit your CPD when applying to renew your membership. We do however reserve the right to request to review your log as part of our quality assurance processes. We will randomly ask Associate and Professional members to submit their log to date. We will provide you with a period of 7 working days to ensure your record is full and complete and reflects all the activities you have undertaken. |
Fees |
Ensure that the annual membership fee is paid. |