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Designation Title
Designation ID
Professional Body
ABP - Association of B-BBEE Professionals
ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants South Africa
ACFESA - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa
ACRP - Association of Christian Religious Practitioners
APSO - Federation of African Professional Staffing Organisations
ASAPA - Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists
ASCHP - Association for Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners
ASDSA - Association for Skills Development in South Africa
ASSA - Actuarial Society of South Africa
Batseta - Batseta Council of Retirement Funds for South Africa
CCASA - Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa
CCMG - Contact Centre Management Group
CEEPSA - Council of Equine and Equestrian Professionals of South Africa
CGISA - Chartered Governance Institute of Southern Africa
CIBA - Chartered Institute for Business Accountants (Formerly SAIBA)
CIGFARO - Chartered Institute of Government Finance Audit and Risk Officers
CIMA - Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
CIPPT - Chartered Institute for Professional Practitioners and Trainers
CIPS - Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
CISA - Compliance Institute Southern Africa
COMENSA - Coaches and Mentors of South Africa
DMISA - Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa
EAPA-SA - Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa
EAPASA - Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa
ECSA - Engineering Council of South Africa
FIPSA - Forum of Immigration Practitioners of South Africa
FPI - Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa
IAC - Institute of Accounting and Commerce
IBA - Institute of Business Advisers Southern Africa
ICFP - Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners
ICITP - Institute of Chartered IT Professionals
ICM - Institute of Credit Management of South Africa
IIASA - Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa
IID - African Institute of Interior Design Professions
IISA - Insurance Institute of South Africa
IITPSA - Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa
ILASA - Institute of Loss Adjusters of Southern Africa
ILGM - Institute for Local Government Management of South Africa
IMCSA - Institute of Management Consultants and Master Coaches of South Africa
IMSSA - Institute of Mine Surveyors of South Africa
IOB - Institute of Bankers in South Africa
IoDSA - Institute of Directors in South Africa
IPM - Institute of People Management
IRBA - Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors
IRMSA - Institute of Risk Management South Africa
ISACA-SA - Information Systems Audit and Control Association South Africa Chapter NPC
ITC-SA - Institute for Timber Construction South Africa
IWH - Institute for Work at Height
LIASA - Library and Information Association of South Africa
LSSA - Law Society of South Africa
MASA - Marketing Association of South Africa
OPSA - Association for Office Professionals of South Africa
PHASA - Professional Hunters' Association of South Africa
PIRB - Plumbing Industry Registration Board
PMSA - Project Management South Africa
PPRA - Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (Formerly EAAB)
PRISA - Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa
SA CHEFS - South African Chefs Association
SAAHSP - South African Association of Health and Skincare Professionals
SAAMA - Southern African Asset Management Association
SABPP - South African Board for People Practices
SACAP - South African Council for the Architectural Profession
SACDA - South African Career Development Association
SACIA - Southern African Communications Industries Association
SACLAP - South African Council for the Landscape Architectural Profession
SACNASP - South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
SACPCMP - South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions
SACPVP - South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession
SACQSP - South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession
SACSSP - South African Council for Social Service Professions
SADTC - South African Dental Technicians Council
SAESI - Southern African Emergency Services Institute
SAFMA - South African Facilities Management Association
SAGC - South African Geomatics Council
SAIA - South African Institute of Auctioneers
SAICA - South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
SAIFM - South African Institute of Financial Markets
SAIGA - Southern African Institute of Government Auditors
SAIME - South African Institute of Medico-Legal Experts
SAIOH - Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene
SAIOSH - South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
SAIP - South African Institute of Physics
SAIPA - South African Institute of Professional Accountants
SAIS - South African Institute of Stockbrokers
SAIT - South African Institute of Taxation
SAMRA - Southern African Marketing Research Association
SANC - South African Nursing Council
SAPA - South African Payroll Association
SAPC - The South African Pharmacy Council
SAPFTC - South African Professional Firearm Trainers Council
SAPIK - South African Professional Institute for Kinderkinetics
SARA - South African Reward Association
SARIPA - South African Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association
SASCA - South African Sports Coaching Association
SAVC - South African Veterinary Council
SPBNDT - SAINT Professional Body for NDT
TMASA - Turnaround Management Association Southern Africa
VDQGBSA - Vehicle Damage Quantification Governance Body of South Africa
WISA - Water Institute of Southern Africa
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